Here is a list of different pet mice you can buy:
- Black A black mouse is exactly as it sounds, a solid jet black all over with black eyes.
- White White mice will be a bright white color, like a piece of plain paper and can have either pink or black eyes.
- Chocolate I shouldn’t imagine there are many people who wouldn’t recognize the colour of chocolate!
- Fawn A fawn mouse is basically a bright ginger colour, always with pink eyes. The picture here is of a fawn with a satin coat, which means she is shinier and possibly a bit darker in colour to a normal coat fawn but in either the color will be bright like this and not a pale orange.
- Blue It sounds like a funny color for a mouse but the blue in question isn’t royal, sky or navy but an almost dark gray slate blue. As you’d expect blue mice have black eyes.
- Dove A dove mouse will be a lovely soft, pale gray color. They have pink eyes.
- Champagne Champagne is quite a difficult colour to describe, not helped by the fact it varies so much. Champagne mice can look anything from a pale orange to a pinky grey and as you will see from the photo can also be sort of gold! Again my example is a satin coat though and this particular little girl would be considered far too dark by show standards. Champagne mice also have pink eyes.
- Lilac They are a sort of pink tinged grey, quite difficult to describe but lovely to see!
- Tan Mice (body all one colour as self, but with a tan underside)
Tan mice come in the same variety of colours as the selfs, but have a fawn (ginger) coloured underside. My mouse Tori is a tan mouse.
- Dutch A dutch is basically a white mouse with a patch over both eyes and color from its waist down to its tail. Dutch mice can be pretty much any of the self colors and are considered dutch even if they have other markings as well as the dutch ones. In this case they become ‘mismarked’ which in my experience includes most pet mice, so if your mouse has eye patches and the colored rump but other marks on their back they would be a mismarked - in this case black - dutch.
- Broken Marked A lot of pet mice will come under this catagory! They can be any color with any eye color, as long as their markings don’t look like any of the other marked types they just become ‘broken marked’.
- Variegated A variegated mouse can be any color.
- Agouti Agouti is the colour of wild mice and is basically a browny colour flecked all over with black. They have black eyes.
- Silver Agouti As above only silver instead of brown. Silver agouti mice look the same as chinchilla only without the white tummy. They have black eyes.
- Chinchilla A chinchilla mouse is very similar to a silver agouti in that they are both a silvery colour ticked with black only chinchilla mice also have a white tummy.
- Sable Sable is another difficult color to describe but is essentially a very dark brown down the middle of the mouse’s back which graduates to a ginger color down their sides to under their belly. Sable mice have black eyes.
- Cinnamon A cinnamon is the color of a sable mouses tummy all over and with a dark brown ticking. Again they have black eyes, and this is the type of my other mouse, Nugget.
- Argente An argente mouse may at a first glance look like a really pale fawn but if you part his/her fur will have a blue undercoat. This gives them an almost ‘two-toned’ effect as you can see speckles of blue through the pale fawn. Argente mice will always have pink eyes.
- Siamese Siamese mice are cream in color and have brown coloured ‘points’ on their noses and tails that blend gradually to meet their body color.
- Brindle The official description of a brindle mouse is ’streaks, bars and numerous little areas of any color over a diluted background’. Their eyes can be any color.
I got all this information from